Almost all the resources I create for Foundationstones Resources are made because it is something I want for my own ministry. I have spoken in the past about my desire for curriculum that combined Bible Literacy with Encounter. When I first created my ‘Identity Stickers’ they were to be a tool for building confidence listening and connecting with God. The more I use them with children, I see how powerful it can be equipping children with a knowledge of their Biblical identity. Here’s why...

Wear it
Ephesians 6 v 14 tells us to "Stand strong, with the belt of truth tied around your waist." The truth about who we are is part of the armour that God has given us. In a world where we get so many different messages about who we should be it is vital that children know who God says they are. Children need to be taught that the Bible is not just stories and guidance on how to live, it is a source of powerful life changing truth.

Weaponise it
The belt of truth is part of our armour, that means we can use it to fight! I once used the images of the identity stickers as part of a game, they were placed around the room and as I called out lies that the world might say “you are stupid”, “nobody likes you”, “you are useless” the children had to run to God’s truth. How wonderful to hear them responding with “I am gifted”, “I am loved”, “I am victorious”. Romans 12 v 2 encourages us to “be changed within by a new way of thinking”. Let’s equip our children to speak out their true identity and destroy the lies of the enemy.

Wield it
The children in our church love the identity stickers, they will wear them all over themselves and share them with others encouraging and blessing them. We have even used them on the streets of London offering them to strangers. On my phone case is a sticker that says “Winner” with the verse Romans 8 v 37 “But in all these things we are completely victorious through God who showed his love for us.” It was picked out for me by a young person in our congregation and if I am honest I hesitated initially to put it on my phone... was that really true of me I asked myself, was I really a winner, really completely victorious... in all things? Knowing our identity, holding it in our hearts and letting it grow will change the way we live. Seeing that picture of a medal on my phone every day is a powerful thing. On the days when I feel like I am barely getting it through I know God says “you are a winner”. How might it transform our children if they are wielding these truths in the every day?
Check out our Identity Stickers as well as our new postcards and bunting in the Identity section of our online shop – let’s dive into our Biblical Identity this season.
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